Senate Bill 827 – a big issue for neighborhoods near transit

The latest meeting of the Cherrywood/Leimert Block Club included a lively discussion of SB-827 Planning and zoning: transit-rich housing bonus. That bill will have a big impact on Leimert Park and surrounding areas, and neighbors are concerned that developers will be able to apply for exemption from local development requirements if the project is within a 1/2 mile radius of a major transit stop. It’s worth reading the details of the proposed bill. There’s a good summary in this Curbed LA article.

Vote!Meanwhile this issue will figure prominently in the upcoming special election on April 3. That election is being held to replace California State Assembly Member Sebastian Ridley-Thomas in District 54, who resigned late last year due to health problems. His successor will vote on this bill. Voter turnout is essential!

Here are the candidates – call or email them to ask what their position on SB-827 is: